Calm IO


Calm I/O is a project I started after observing that some Rust programs, when piped into head, would show a visible panic report. After complaining on Twitter, I learned to my horror that the problem was much different than I had first assumed, and that Rust was in fact handling it correctly.

So this crate provides macros for writing to the standard streams that do not panic when the stream goes away, and an attribute to place on main that prevents exiting due to broken pipe from reporting failure in the exit code.

The Environment

Shell pipelines connect programs to each other for streaming, parallel, data operations. Unix shells translate command strings like a | b | c into parallel invocations of the commands a, b, and c, after the shell has arranged for the standard-output sockets of a and b to be connected to kernel pipeline files, and for the standard-input sockets of b and c to also be connected to the same kernel pipes. In this manner, whenever a writes to its standard output, the written data is held in an OS buffer, and made available when b reads from its standard input.

When a program exits, the kernel closes all the file descriptors that the program had opened. Programs should do this themselves, but regardless, on process teardown all open file descriptors are reaped.

Kernel pipes are not filesystem objects; they are in-memory buffers with two handles. When a program closes one of those handles, the pipe becomes useless: either the reader exited, so the pipe will grow monotonically; or the writer did, so the pipe will drain and never refill. Therefore, when this occurs, the kernel delivers a SIGPIPE notification to the program holding the other handle to the pipe that just closed.

Losing the other half of a pipe is not, in itself, a fatal condition for a program. Programs that exist only to be pipeline filters are encouraged to give up and tear themselves down upon receiving SIGPIPE, in order to propagate teardown through the whole pipeline and not waste resources by continuing to exist, but programs that have other work to do besides moving data through the pipeline may continue working freely.

Until they try to read from or write into their half of the closed pipe. When this occurs, the kernel delivers the error code -EPIPE, because the file doesn’t exist anymore to source or sink data.

The Runtime

The default C runtime on Linux does not mask away SIGPIPE, and so its delivery to a program generally results in immediate teardown.

The default Rust runtime masks SIGPIPE, so that its delivery has no effect. This means that Rust programs continue executing after SIGPIPE is delivered, allowing them the opportunity to attempt to read from or write to a closed pipe.

Rust does not provide an equivalent to getch(). To read from standard input, you have to go through the std::io::stdin() interface, which is fallible, and helpfully gives you an io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe error if your supplier died.

However, Rust does have a convenient way to write to standard output and blithely ignore (in source code) any errors that stdout may have: println!. The print!, println!, dbg!, eprint!, and eprintln! macros all write to a standard file descriptor and unwrap errors produced by doing so.

Which means that calling println! when your stdout has been turned into a pipe instead of a terminal causes a panic.

The Solution

calm_io provides replacement macros for the standard printers. stdout! and stdoutln! write to standard output, and stderr! and stderrln! write to standard error. The only difference between them and the macros in the standard library is that they return their io::Result, rather than unwrapping it. This means that callers are responsible for unwrapping or punting the Result. Using stdoutln!("hello")? will, on pipe closure, follow the idiomatic error punting pattern and, almost certainly, use the already-existing fallible codepath to gracefully unwind back up to main and quit.

However, returning any Err from fn main() -> Result causes a non-zero exit code. And if you are quitting because your neighbor went away, through no fault of your own, you should not signal failure.

As such, calm_io also provides an attribute macro you can place on fn main. #[pipefail] may only be placed on main programs that return io::Result (in the future, I may add support for Box<dyn Error> or other virtual errors), and replaces the BrokenPipe failure with a quiet success.


Consider these Rust programs:

//  examples/
fn main() {
  let mut text = std::env::args()
    .join(" ");
  if text.trim().is_empty() {
    text = "y".to_owned();
  loop {
    println!("{}", text);
//  examples/
use calm_io::*;

fn main () -> std::io::Result<!> {
  let text = std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or("y".to_string());
  loop {
    stdoutln!("{}", text)?;
$ cargo run --example good_yes | head > /dev/null
$ echo "${PIPESTATUS[@]}"
# The name is `PIPESTATUS` in bash, but `pipestatus` (lowercase!) in zsh
0 0
# good_yes exits successfully, head exits successfully

$ yes | head > /dev/null
$ echo "${PIPESTATUS[@]}"
141 0
# yes quits due to SIGPIPE, head exits successfully

$ cargo run --example bad_yes | head > /dev/null
thread 'main' panicked at 'failed printing to stdout: Broken pipe (os error 32)', src/libstd/io/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.
# bad_yes crashes because `println!` calls `Result.unwrap`