My Crates



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bitvec is a version of the Rust linear-sequence collections ([bool], [bool; N], and Vec<bool>) that applies a single-bit-storage optimization to ensure that the memory usage of each bool in the collection is exactly one bit rather than eight.

Unlike any of its peers in other languages, such as C++ std::vector<bool>, it permits users to select the exact memory representation they need, enabling it to not only drive memory-compacted collections of bool but also to serve as the basis for universally-applicable, exactly-representable, bitfield locations for any integral value.

Furthermore, bitvec is unique among Rust bit-packing libraries in that it is able to use &BitSlice references to exactly match the standard idioms and APIs that demand references to a memory region, rather than handles to it. This functionality allows bitvec to be drop-in compatible with existing code, with only one exception.


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radium is an abstraction over Atomic and Cell<> types that allows users to be generic over thread-safety. It enables graceful degredation of portable code across processors with varying levels of atomic support, or compile-time switches of single- vs multi- threaded shared mutation capability.


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tap provides three utility traits that exist as base-object methods or language features elsewhere:

  • Tap allows you to transparently inspect a value without changing its type; this is useful for attaching tracepoints to a data pipeline with minimal disruption to surrounding code, or applying modify-in-place methods to a value without needing to let-bind it twice,
  • Pipe allows you to place any function call in suffix position, including functions that change the type. It is equivalent to the |> operator in F♯, or D’s universal suffix-call syntax.
  • Conv allows you to replace .into(), which cannot specify the destination type, with .conv::<T>(), which can.


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calm_io suppresses expected I/O error events that the user expects to occur during ordinary operation, so that those particular I/O failures do not cause user-facing panics.

This was motivated by the discovery that Unix pipelines deliver SIGPIPE to the program holding one half of a pipe when the program holding the other half closes it. The default C runtime terminates upon delivery, while the default Rust runtime ignores it, so Rust programs that attempt to operate on a now-closed pipe receive -EPIPE as the error code, and panic.

calm_io provides replacement I/O macros that bubble errors instead of unwrapping them, and decorator macros for main that detect io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe and translate it into a graceful shutdown instead of a crash.


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This is my general-purpose utility library. It contains little snippets of code I think are worth reüsing, but are not yet worth publishing as standalone crates.


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This project performs endian-reördering in-place, so that de/serialization code does not have to be configured to do so. It also provides macros that allow aggregates of reörderable types to be themselves reörderable, so that users do not have to descend to each leaf integer and flip it as part of de/serialization.